The Dhaka Times Desk The TV drama 'Adbhut Mayajal' is bringing a three-way love story. This play is written by Syed Iqbal and directed by Kazi Saif Ahmed.
The TV drama 'Adbhut Mayajal' is bringing a three-way love story. The story of the play is like this: Tandra suddenly enters Shipon's house. His wife Rhea becomes suspicious of Eamon. Meanwhile Tandra (Ruhi) claims that (Shipon) Eamon is her ex-boyfriend. On this issue, Riya got into an argument with Iman. At one point Bandhan left the house in anger.
At the end of the story, a different incident is seen. Actually, Ruhi doesn't love this ship at all. She loved a boy named Shipon three years ago. And with that love, he has become a different person today.
A TV drama 'Adbhut Mayajal' has recently been made on such a story. The play is written by Syed Iqbal and directed by Kazi Saif Ahmed.
Apart from Emon, Bandhan and Ruhi, Peerzada, Luna Khan and others also acted. Actress Bandhan returned to acting after about three months. Paired with Eamon, he returned through acting.
Bandhan said, 'I stood in front of the camera after three months. I will work regularly from now on. The story of this play is great.'
In this regard, Eamon said, 'Actually, if the story is not liked, a drama is not acted. From that point of view, the play 'Adbhut Mayajal' is a different story. At the end of the play there is a different surprise for everyone.'
Dancer and actress Ruhi said, 'Although I am primarily a dancer, I also model and act. But it is definitely selective. I don't work if I don't like the character and the story. From that point of view 'Abhut Mayajal' is a different play, a different story and my character is extraordinary. I had fun doing this.'
The drama will be aired on a private TV channel very soon, its makers said.