The Dhaka Times Desk Some 3,000-year-old children's tombs have been discovered in Aswan, Egypt.
Some 3,000-year-old children's tombs have been found in Egypt. These tombs are found in the city of Aswan.
Recently, the head of the Ministry of Archeology of the country. Ayman Asmayi said, one of these tombs was found by a Swedish-Egyptian research team. The tombs date to Egypt's 18th Dynasty, i.e. between 1549/1550 to 1292 BC.
Meanwhile, an Egyptian-Australian team is said to have found fragments of tombs and a team from Switzerland found female sculptures. The right hand, feet and head of the 35 cm tall limestone sculpture were not found.
Archaeologists found these ancient tombs in the country's Gebel Al Silsila. Children of different ages, including two to three-year-old children, have been recovered there.
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৬, ২০১৭ 8:05 pm
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