The Dhaka Times Desk Recently a news has gone viral. And that is the blanket hanging on the tree branches in the streets of Saudi Arabia! But why is the blanket hanging? Find out today.
Blankets are hanging on tree branches in the streets of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia! The able-bodied in the city have arranged for blankets to be hung from the branches of trees to be taken away for unconditional use by those who need them! Because many people are suffering due to severe winter in the region.
According to a report by Arab News, a video of hanging a blanket on a tree has recently spread on the social media platform Twitter.
A man named Sultan Al Moussa uploaded the video and captioned it, such activities will help people maintain cordial relations. Although many people have accepted this kind of compassionate action towards the bereaved people, many people are also criticizing it. Critics say it could also have a negative impact on poorer areas such as Al-Oud, Al-Batha or Manfuha.
Umm Zayan, a resident of Riyadh, told the media that while such an initiative can be applauded, it is difficult to welcome the plan to hang blankets from trees.
The reason for this, he says, is that free stuff can have a negative effect on the psyche. Especially in middle-class areas like Al-Rayyan. While the plan is grand, one needs to be aware of its consequences and future, the person said.
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৮, ২০১৭ 8:06 pm
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