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Solution to View Any Blocked Video Streaming Website [Tutorial]

এমন অনেক ভিডিও এবং ভিডিও সাইট আছে যেটা আপনার দেশ থেকে ব্লক করে রাখা হয়েছে অথবা মালিকপক্ষ আপনার দেশকে ব্লক করে রেখেছে অথবা আপনার ISPই হয়তো ব্লক করে রেখছে! সেগুলো ব্লক করা কিন্তু কোনো না কোন ভাবে সেটা আপনার জরুরী, যেমন অনলাইন টিভি চ্যানেল Netflix, Hulu Including many more such channels are not seen from Bangladesh. How to see the blocked video website? will see Tunlr Through the free site called This tutorial discusses that method, stay tuned!

You need to change the DNS address first. No, it does not require any third party software. You have to make this change manually. Let's see how you can make this transition. You click the network icon from your computer's taskbar, which looks like a monitor. For those with WiFi connection, there will be a WiFi icon instead of a monitor icon which you can easily identify. After that Open Network and Sharing Center Click on See the picture below, you will understand completely

A new window will appear Change adapter settings Click on the link

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A new window will appear, place the mouse on the icon and click the right button Properties select

now Networking from the tab Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) By selecting Properties Click on, see image

Now in the new window first Use the following DNS server automatically Select, change the DNS server you have given there and set the DNS server mentioned below
Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS Server:

Then click OK. Look at the picture

If you can do all these functions properly, then restart the PC once and once the PC is on, this is it Go to the link page. Here if you see green ticks on all of them then you are Netflix, Hulu Ready to watch any video streaming web site in the world.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৯, ২০১৪ 3:01 pm

Raziur Rahman

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