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Nipun's film 'Grey Mist' did not get clearance for the second time

The film was not cleared by the Censor Board due to the presence of objectionable scenes

The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Nipun's film 'Grey Mist' did not get clearance for the second time. The film was not cleared the first time due to objectionable scenes and the film was resubmitted to the censors after cutting some scenes.

নিপুনের ছবি ‘ধূসর কুয়াশা’র দ্বিতীয়বারও ছাড়পত্র মেলেনি 1

Actress Nipun acted in a movie called 'Grey Mist'. The film was not cleared by the Censor Board due to the presence of several objectionable scenes. After cutting several scenes of the film, the director submitted the film to the censors for the second time. That didn't work either.

The Censor Board has banned the film for the second time. Munshi Jalaluddin, a member of the Censor Board, said that the story of the film is unstructured and incoherent. Correction was given after the first viewing but the producer did not accept it. This image is resubmitted with almost all errors. Because of that, the members of the Censor Board canceled the film.

নিপুনের ছবি ‘ধূসর কুয়াশা’র দ্বিতীয়বারও ছাড়পত্র মেলেনি 2

The film was submitted again after completing the corrections given by the Censor Board as per the demand of the film maker. Besides, it has been reported that the film producer and actor Munna may approach the appeal board for clearance.

Dhusar Kuasha, directed by Uttam Akash, will see debutant Munna opposite Nippon and Pushpita Poppy.

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