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Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan's pet dog 'Shanauk' died!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan One of the most important figures in the history of Indian cinema. When he went to his bungalow 'Jalsa' that Piranha den dog It was seen that the name was 'Shanauk' Megastar Amitabh's beloved, to say his important family member 'Shanauk' has died, Big B Amitabh is devastated.


Piranha Dane is the tallest dog breed in the world. Amitabh Bachchan used to spend his free time with this beloved dog. On February 5, 2006 Amitabh Bachchan to his beloved son Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan Piranha gives Dane dog 'Shanook' as a birthday present. The name 'Shanauk' is given by Abhishek. 'Shanauk' has always been a favorite animal of the Bachchan family. Everyone has always ensured his safety. That was so dear 'friendly' During an interview with journalists about the film, Abhishek Bachchan stopped the journalists from taking pictures of 'Shanauk'.

However, after a few days, Big B uploaded the picture of 'Shanauk' on his blog. Then he said, 'Shanauk' shines in his self-esteem. He longs to be cheek to cheek with his master and loves to save his master from danger. He is taller than Amitabh. When Amitabh blogs, 'Shanauk' hovers around the laptop or sits on his knee until the blog is finished.


'Shanauk' was ill for a long time. He was short of breath and had water in his stomach. Although he was given maximum treatment but his condition was not improving. The word 'Shanuk' means warm breeze in the cold morning. Big B took to Twitter to express his grief over the death of his beloved dog, writing, "The warm breeze of a cold morning has just stopped." Some time ago my beloved piranha den 'Shanook' left us.

Amitabh had been suffering for some time due to the illness of his beloved dog. Describing the dog's physical condition, she posted on the blog, adding more heartbreaking news, 'Shanauk is very sick'. on Twitter  wanted to inform Shanauk is my favorite piranha den dog!'

Notably, Amitabh Bachchan also appeared on the cover of a magazine about 'Shanauk'.

Reference: India Today

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