From now you can call CNG through apps

The Dhaka Times Desk After the success of Uber, CNGs are also moving forward to increase customer service. CNG can now be called through apps to eliminate the hassle of searching.

Due to the hassle of finding CNG, people have become addicted to Uber, which recently came to Bangladesh. But from now you can use CNGO very easily. Because passengers can take advantage of CNG autorickshaws using apps. An app called 'Gati-LetsGo' is bringing this service. Its journey will start from January itself. The registration process has already started.

These two apps are available on Google Drive as Gati Driver and Gati-LetsGo. Passengers can use this new app from January 1, 2018.

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এই বিষয়ে ‘গতি-লেটসগো’ অ্যাপের সিইও এন জামান চৌধুরী জেমস জানিয়েছেন, একজন যাত্রীর রিকোয়েস্ট এক মিনিটে কাছাকাছি ৫ জন সিএনজি অটোরিকশা চালকের কাছে পৌঁছে যাবে। অর্থাৎ ৫টি সিএনজি একজন যাত্রীর জন্য অপেক্ষায় থাকবে। এরমধ্যে যে চালক প্রথম রিকোয়েস্ট ধরবেন তিনি যাত্রীকে নিতে আসবেন। এছাড়া যাত্রী বা চালক অ্যাপ হতে নম্বর পেয়ে দু’জনের মধ্যে কথাও বলে নিতে পারবেন।

'Gati-LetsGo' will initially start this service by handing over 2,000 mobile CNG to drivers. Drivers will also be trained in a short period of time.

In this regard, CEO N Zaman Chowdhury James also said that this is not a sharing app. But it is an app based service. CNG powered autorickshaws will run on the app called 'Gati-LetsGo'. Those who don't have the app can get on the CNG they get on the road and go to the destination very easily by starting the trip on the driver's app.

Passengers of these CNG trains can pay the fare through 'e-wallet and cash'. These CNGs will have almost the same fare as the fare of CNG autorickshaws at the current meter. The app company will deduct 20 percent from there per trip.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৩১, ২০১৭ 12:13 am

Staff reporter

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