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Village-Bengali tradition of pumpkin pills

People of northern and southern regions are familiar with this pumpkin pill

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Tuesday, January 2, 2018 Christ, 19 Paush 1424 Bengal, 14 Rabius Suni 1439 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

গ্রাম-বাংলার ঐতিহ্য কুমড়া বড়ি 1

Pumpkin pills. It is a stunning item of winter season. It can be called village-Bangla tradition.

Although people of all regions of our country are not familiar with this pumpkin pill. People in many regions do not even know how to make or eat these pumpkin pills. But the people of northern and southern regions are familiar with this pumpkin pill.

These pumpkin pills are made with ripe rice pumpkin (known as jali by the people of the capital Dhaka) and kalai dal. It takes a lot of work to make these pumpkin pills. It is cooked and eaten in curry with hilsa fish or any fish. This pumpkin pill is very tasty. This week, the scenes of giving pumpkin pills were caught on camera by The Dhaka Times.

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