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Turnip and carrot juice improves eyesight

The Dhaka Times Desk We consume some kind of fruit juice almost every day. But I don't know how healthy any juice is. You can have turnip and carrot juice this summer. This juice has many benefits including improving eyesight.


This juice can be made in a blender like any other juice. The method of making this juice is very simple.

How to make this juice-


1. 1 turnip (large size)
2. 1/2 kg carrot
3. 1/2 piece of ginger
4. 2 tablespoons of mint leaves batter
5. 1 teaspoon lemon juice
6. Bit like the amount of salt

shal gom


1. Blend the turnips, carrots, ginger pieces and 2 tbsp mint paste together in a blender (minus the bit of salt and lemon).
2. Then strain through a strainer
3. Then mix lemon juice and bit of salt and serve with crushed ice

This juice is very beneficial for health. This juice is useful for increasing eye sight, reducing body fat and other benefits.

References: Health me up

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