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What happens to the body when a person dies in space?

People can die at any time. There is no age or young or old. To die is to die, it is natural

The Dhaka Times Desk What do you know? What happens to the body when a person dies in space? If you don't know, find out today what happens when people die in space.

মহাকাশে মানুষ মারা গেলে মৃতদেহটি কী করা হয়? 1

People can die at any time. There is no age or young or old. To die is to die, it is natural. So people can still die when they travel in space. But what happens when you die in space is unknown to many.

We all know that our bodies decompose after death. But we don't know what happens to dead bodies in space. The reason is that there is less dense matter in space. That is, empty space is not completely empty. Mainly a very small amount of hydrogen plasma, electromagnetic radiation, magnetic field and neutrinos reside in this vacuum. Theoretically it contains black matter and black energy. There are many things in space that humans have not yet imagined. So bodies don't rot in space like they do on Earth. So what happens?

You will not get a chance to send a dead body into space. Because the bacteria in the body will die or go into hibernation due to radiation and vacuum. If the body moves with the Earth's orbit, it will be boiled and mummified due to the reduced pressure. Much like the bodies found in Pompeii, a city destroyed by a volcanic eruption in Italy.

If the body is outside the solar system from Earth's orbit. Where the temperature is below zero, the corpse will freeze and solidify. Since heat transport is not fast in a vacuum, this can take days or even weeks.

Just as bodies remain intact for years in the glaciers of Mount Everest or the Alps, so in space a body can be identified millions of years later, that is, not until it falls into an asteroid.

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