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Many people die every year in Japan by eating 'mochi' cake!

In Japan, the new year is welcomed by eating rice cakes called mochi

The Dhaka Times Desk Eating rice cakes as a way to welcome the new year is a long-standing tradition in Japan. Many people die every year in Japan by eating the cake you see in the picture!

In Japan, the New Year is welcomed by eating rice cakes. It has basically become a tradition. This practice has been going on for years. But the sad thing is that many people die every year after eating that pie. But why does this happen? Today's report tries to answer that question.

This yummy rice cake doesn't look like it would cause death. However, every year this hard-to-eat pita causes the death of many people, according to a BBC report. Every year before the New Year, the government is seen issuing warnings about pitha consumption.

It is known that these small round cakes called mochi are made from soft and sticky rice. This rice is first steamed, then ground into powder and made into paste. Then round pithas are made from the glutinous rice husks. They may be baked or boiled. Local people traditionally boil these mochis in a thin vegetable broth.

Why is Mochi deadly?

One question in everyone's mind is why this cobbler becomes deadly? Actually these pitas are sticky and hard to chew. Since mochi is not a small sized pita that can be chewed whole in the mouth, this pita needs to be chewed well before swallowing. This cake has to be chewed for a long time. For those who cannot chew properly, such as children or elderly people, eating this pita is a very difficult task. For those who cannot chew or try to swallow this cake without chewing, this gummy cobbler gets stuck in their throat. Due to which they die of suffocation.

According to Japanese media reports, most of those who have to be rushed to the hospital due to choking on this New Year's cake are 65 or older.

So what is the safe way to eat mochi?

It is important to chew this pita well. If that is not possible for some, it is safe to eat pita cut into small pieces. Every year, authorities issue public health warnings ahead of the celebrations to welcome the English New Year. This warning is issued especially to children and the elderly, so that they can cut the mochi pitha into small pieces and eat it.

Despite the warning, many people die every year after eating this cooked pita. Although the number of victims is not huge, many people have to come to the hospital every year from different parts of the country in critical condition.

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