Categories: entertainment

Shubo and Mom are going to team up again in 'Manfaring'

The Dhaka Times Desk Shubo and Mom are going to team up again in 'Manfaring'. The film is directed by Shihab Shaheen. Earlier also Shihab Shaheen produced the film 'Chuy Dil Man' with this pair.

Director Shihab Shahin has started a new film called 'Manfaring'. Arifin Shubo and Zakia Bari Mom will act in this film. Earlier, Shihab Shahin produced the film 'Chuy Dil Man' with the same pair.

Stating that the official announcement will be made soon, Shihab Shaheen told the media that the story I want to create requires Shubo and Mam. So I am working with this pair.

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On the other hand, regarding this new film, Arifin Shuvo said, 'It is a good news for me. The reason is that the film that we have made earlier has touched the hearts of the audience. That's why we can expect that the audience will like our new film. We have been talking about this picture for almost a year. I am also fully ready to work. I also liked my character in the film. Everyone pray that we can give you a good picture.

It should be noted that the film 'Chuye Dile Mon' directed by Shihab Shaheen and starring Shubo and Mom was released in the theaters of the country on April 10, 2015.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৪, ২০১৮ 10:47 am

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