Categories: Picturesque

The story of a village where children smoke!

The Dhaka Times Desk Truly such a village cannot be found. Because it was discovered that the children of the village smoke. Not only that, it is a very common thing!

There is hardly a person who does not know about the dangers of smoking. The reason is that cigarette packs also carry, “Statutory Warning: Smoking is injurious to health”. According to medical science, smoking also causes cancer. So everyone is asked to refrain from smoking.

But there is a village on earth whose inhabitants are of course seniority; Children also smoke. India Today has given such a shocking news by quoting Associated Press (AP).

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This is the village of Vale de Selgueiro in Portugal. The villagers themselves encourage their children to smoke. The parents of this village bought their children a pack of cigarettes when they were 5 years old!

This smoking begins with a special festival. This village organizes a "King's Feast" or "King's Feast" day on Christmas. The festival starts on the Friday after Christmas and lasts until the following Saturday.

According to custom, one is decorated as a “King” on this occasion. It is this king who distributes wine and food among all.

However, under 18-year-olds are illegal under Portuguese state law. However, this law does not apply in the village of Vel de Selgueiro. Even the villagers do not know the exact meaning of this very ancient custom. However, this custom is being followed from generation to generation.

Gulharmina Matias, owner of a coffee shop in the village, told the news agency, “I don't know why I let our children smoke. I don't see anything wrong with that, though, because they flush out the wash with their mouths. They smoke only on these two days of the festival. After that they will not smoke anymore.”

Jose Ribeiranha, who has written about this village, said that during the pagan era, the villagers could not do many things as they liked. Only the winter festival they could celebrate as they pleased. And then during that winter they used to smoke. It is believed that such celebration of the festival originated from there.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৪, ২০১৮ 11:12 am

Staff reporter

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