Categories: Science-invention

Russian woman cosmonaut Tereskova wants to go to Mars

The Dhaka Times Desk The world's first female astronaut, Russia's Valentina Tereskova, wants to go to Mars if possible. Even if he can't return, he hopes to go on an expedition to Mars.

Russian cosmonaut Valentina Tereskova revealed such information at a press conference at the Russian cosmonaut training center 'Star City' near Moscow on June 7. At the press conference, 76-year-old Tereskova said that mysterious Mars is her favorite planet. For many days he worked on the possibility of going to that planet.

Astronaut Valentina Tereskova also said at the press conference that people dream of going to Mars. But it has many limitations. There may or may not be a chance to return to the first trip to Mars. But still he is ready to take this risk.

Russia's Yuri Gagarin was the first man in history to go into space. He went into space in 1961.

Note that Valentina Tereskova went on a solo mission in space in 1963 when she was only 26 years old. He circumnavigated the globe 48 times in a three-day expedition. Russia will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his historic space mission on June 16. Source: AFP/Online

This post was last modified on জুন ৮, ২০১৩ 5:47 pm

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