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The world's smallest 1 terabyte 3.1 flash drive is now on the market!

SanDisk has released its smallest 1TB flash drive

The Dhaka Times Desk The world's smallest 1TB 3.1 flash drive is now on the market. At CES-2018, Western Digital's SanDisk unveiled the world's smallest 1 terabyte USB Type-C flash drive.

বিশ্বের সবথেকে ছোট ১ টেরাবাইট ৩.১ ফ্ল্যাশ ড্রাইভ এখন বাজারে! 1

As reported by Gadgets 360 Degrees, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) like every time brings the latest technology products from leading manufacturers. At CES-2018, Western Digital's SanDisk unveiled the world's smallest 1 terabyte data capacity USB Type-C flash drive.

Although this is not the flash drive with the highest data capacity. The world's highest capacity flash drive is the 2 terabyte Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate GT, which was launched last year. However, SanDisk has made their flash drive much smaller than the Kingston flash drive. As the device fully supports USB-C, it can be used on computers as well as mobile devices.

SanDisk unveiled several storage products at CES this year. These include 256GB Ultra Fit USB 3.1 Flash Drive, 2 Portable SSDs. SanDisk's smallest 1 terabyte data capacity flash drive has no information on pricing or when it will be available.

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