The Dhaka Times
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Hundreds of millions of beds in the businessman's house!

All these are 500 and 1000 rupees

The Dhaka Times Desk A building businessman's house found a bed of hundreds of millions of rupees! The builder businessman lives in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The businessman's name is And Khatri.

ব্যবসায়ীর বাড়িতে শত কোটি টাকার বিছানা! 1

The country's police and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) authorities recently recovered the money. They were later recovered and packed into 5 large steel trunks, sacks and cartons. These were all 500 and 1000 rupee notes. Beds were made with the recovered notes, said the Uttar Pradesh Police of the country.

The police believe that the businessman did this to avoid money laundering charges. Earlier in November 2016, the BJP government announced demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes without any prior announcement.

According to a report of Zee News, where did the accused get this huge amount of money, because he kept such a huge amount of money for so long. The intelligence agency of the country has started questioning the accused person and the people associated with him to know these matters. It is believed that the matter will be clear after the investigation.

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