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The machine will now express the language of dogs!

The meaning of dog barking will be translated into human language and will tell the dog's wants and needs!

The Dhaka Times Desk A device has been invented, which will now express the language of dogs! In other words, the meaning of the barking of the dog will also be translated by this invented device!

যন্ত্র এবার কুকুরের ভাষাও প্রকাশ করবে! 1

The meaning of dog barking will be translated into human language and will tell the dog's wants and needs! That is, all the stories of joy and pain will be known. Recently, Kon Slobodchikoff, a researcher at Northern Arizona University, reported the discovery of such a device.

Slobodchikoff said he has been researching the subject for 30 years. This researcher has experimented with different vocal tones of dogs in different moods day after day.

The researcher claims that he is going to invent a translation machine with artificial intelligence that will take the information of all the individual dog calls and figure out the meaning of each dog call.

Researcher Slobodchikoff is currently busy researching the topic. Now it's just a matter of waiting. When did he give this good news? No doubt, if he really succeeds, it will be a breakthrough discovery, which will play a special role in the expression of the animal mind.
