Categories: Picturesque

The dead monk laughed from the grave!

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of mysteries in the world is endless. We are amazed by these mysteries. One such incident happened in Thailand. A dead monk laughed from the grave!

Two months after his death, his body was exhumed following religious rituals. His devotees see, even after these two months, his body is almost intact.

The monk passed away on November 16, 2017. He was also buried with full religious dignity. However, his body was exhumed exactly two months later. Luang Phor Puan, a Buddhist monk from Bangkok, Thailand, immediately laughed after being lifted from the grave.

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According to media reports, the Cambodian-born monk spent most of his life at Lopburi Monastery in central Thailand. He also had a great reputation as a spiritual guru. When he died at the age of 92, he was buried in the monastery with due dignity.

Just two months after his burial, his body was exhumed following religious rituals. His devotees see that his body is almost intact for these two months. There is a strange smile on his face, which was not there at the time of his departure.

A report in the international media 'The Mirror' mentioned that this polite smile appeared on his face just as his body was being taken in front of the devotees for the religious rites. Local media in Thailand said Pian's body appeared to have died more than 36 hours earlier.

Seeing such a situation, the devotees say that Pian has attained Nirvana in real sense, keeping Buddhist theory in front. This smile proves it. He will be buried again 100 days after his death. Devotees will continue to pray uninterruptedly during this time.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৫, ২০১৮ 10:57 am

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