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Bangladesh's Mithila in the movie 'Mukhomukhi' in Kolkata

‘মুখোমুখি’ নামে এই স্বল্পদৈর্ঘ চলচ্চিত্রটি নির্মাণ করছেন পার্থ সেন

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular Bangladeshi TV actress Mithila is now acting in a movie in Kolkata. Partha Sen is producing this short film called 'Mukhomukhi'.

বাংলাদেশের মিথিলা কোলকাতার ‘মুখোমুখি’ চলচ্চিত্রে 1

Popular Bangladeshi actress Mithila worked for the first time in a short film in Kolkata. Partha Sen is producing this short film called 'Mukhomukhi'. Gaurav Chakraborty is acting with Mithila in this film.

Mithila said about the film of Kolkata, "It will be seen in this film, I am a filmmaker from Dhaka." I lost my way while going to Kolkata to shoot. Then I met a photographer. That helps me. Once we became friends. But due to various reasons the communication between us stopped. I then returned to Dhaka. After many days we met again. There are many interesting facts in it. This is how the story of 'Mukhomukhi' goes.

বাংলাদেশের মিথিলা কোলকাতার ‘মুখোমুখি’ চলচ্চিত্রে 2

The shooting of the film 'Mukhomukhi' has also been completed recently. The shooting of the film has been done in various places including Newmarket, Southern Avenue, Golf Garden in Kolkata. Now just waiting for release.

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