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About a million sleepers!

In 2018, the slipper arrived with the white glow of artificial diamonds and marquis crystals

The Dhaka Times Desk Slipper means casual shoes worn at home. Anyone who sees such a sleeper will be amazed. The reason is that the price of a sleeper is about a million sleepers!

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We all know that wearing high heels always gives an impression of nobility to the whole outfit! If it is bejeweled, then there is no question.

The common sleeper of our country may cost more. Big emphasis can be two or three thousand rupees. There is no more expensive sleeper in our country.

But the global market account is quite different. For example, the Princetown Velvet Slipper has been an early attraction of the Gucci collection since debuting in Winter 2015.

Initially, the slipper with floral print lining inside the soft pink and black velvet slipper caught the attention of the customers.

But in 2018, the same slipper is new with artificial diamonds and marquis crystal white light. A pair of lovely slippers made in Italy will cost 1 thousand 100 US dollars, which is 91 thousand 100 taka in Bangladeshi taka! People are buying slippers for so much money!

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