Categories: international news

India will launch drones to monitor Bangladesh border

The Dhaka Times Desk India will launch drones to monitor Bangladesh border. The director general of the country's border guards BSF K.K. Sharma told the media.

It has been said that the BSF will deploy UAVs along with smart-fencing before next year to prevent smuggling, illegal infiltration, counterfeit notes, firearms and drug smuggling along the India-Bangladesh border.

BSF Director General K.K. Sharma informed the media about this. The Union Home Ministry has also recently approved BSF's proposal in this regard. Smart barbed wire border fencing will also be installed with the help of this indigenous technology in the 48 km long Dhubri border area along the Brahmaputra river in Assam within the current year.

K.K. Sharma also said that for now permission has been sought from the government to purchase 4 unmanned aerial vehicles, which will be deployed along the 4,96 km long Indo-Bangladesh border along the highly sensitive West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya and Tripura borders. Along with this, permission has also been sought from the central government to raise 5 more BSF battalions (total members will be 5000).

The BSF chief said that the interaction between the Indian BSF and the Border Guard of Bangladesh (BGB) is very sincere in fighting crime in the border areas. Efforts are being made to reduce the number of Bangladeshis killed in border crime. India-Bangladesh will simultaneously conduct joint operations to prevent attacks on Indian border security forces. The reason is that if BSF fires back, the number of casualties of Bangladeshis may increase. It is hoped that this will have a positive impact on the situation. About Cattle Smuggling BSF Director General said that the number of Cattle Smuggling is gradually decreasing. News media reports on Deutsche Welle sources.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৩, ২০১৮ 11:35 am

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