Categories: entertainment

কোলকাতার সোহমের সঙ্গে মাহির ছবি ‘তুই শুধু আমার’ আসছে শীঘ্রই

The Dhaka Times Desk Mahi's new film 'Tui Jhor Amar' with Kolkata's Soham is coming soon. The work of the film started long ago but was stopped due to various reasons. But this time the work of the film is over.

কোলকাতার সোহমের সঙ্গে মাহির ছবি ‘তুই শুধু আমার’ আসছে শীঘ্রই 1কোলকাতার সোহমের সঙ্গে মাহির ছবি ‘তুই শুধু আমার’ আসছে শীঘ্রই 1

Dhallywood actress Mahiya Mahi acted with Kolkata's Soham. The work of this film titled 'Tui Jhar Amar' was stopped in between. But this time the shooting is over. Now it's just a matter of waiting.

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However, this Dhallywood star actress Mahiya Mahi will be seen in a different role. She will be seen sitting on the wedding floor dressed as a bride. Soham Chakraborty, a popular actor from Opar Bengal, is in place of the groom. Mahi and Soham are getting married in Hindu tradition. The film 'Tui Bhor Amar' is being produced by India-Bangladesh joint production.

It is known that the shooting of the film started in London last year, but the shooting of the film was stopped for some time. The last lot of the film was shot recently in Kolkata. The camera of this movie closes through the marriage scene of Mahi-Soham. Now just waiting for release.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৫, ২০১৮ 3:02 pm

Staff reporter

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