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Microsoft Office 2019 is coming this year

The beta version of Office 2019 will be released in the second quarter of this year

The Dhaka Times Desk Microsoft has announced that Office 2019 will be released in the second half of this year. But this new version can be used only in computers running Windows 10 operating system.

এ বছরেই আসছে মাইক্রোসফট অফিস ২০১৯ 1

Microsoft gave this information in a blog post. According to that document, the beta version of Office 2019 will be opened in the second quarter of this year. But the final version will be available in the second half of the year.

Microsoft's blog post also says that Office 2019 users will get 5 years of mainstream support. Apart from this, you will get two more years as extended service. That is, until October 2025, Office 2019 users will get various types of support from Microsoft.

Office 2019 was announced at Microsoft's Ignite developer conference held last year. In addition to MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Skype for Business, Exchange, Share Point can be found in this version which is made up of app and server.

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