The Dhaka Times
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Farmer's paddy field

If sixty eight thousand villages are saved, Bangladesh will be saved

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Saturday, 17 February 2018 AD, 5 Falgun 1424 BENGABD, 30 Jamadiul Awal 1439 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

কৃষকের ধান ক্ষেত 1

Today's view of this farmer's paddy field. A really nice scene. The real image of our country's villages-Bangla.

We keep saying, if sixty eight thousand villages are saved, Bangladesh will be saved. Although now the number of villages is more. But it is not a lie. Village farmers work hard to grow crops for us. And that crop we buy and eat. But a farmer has to put his sweat on the ground to grow that crop. We should think at least a little about the suffering of farmers.

Image: Courtesy of Wikipedia(Bn).

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