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No deal will be agreed unless Palestinian demands are met: Hamas statement

A senior leader of the Palestinian independence organization Hamas said that no proposal for a peace agreement would be accepted

The Dhaka Times Desk Hamas, the Palestinian independence movement, has announced that no deal will be accepted unless Palestinian demands are met.

ফিলিস্তিনিদের দাবি পূরণ না হলে কোনো চুক্তিই মানা হবে না: হামাসের ঘোষণা 1

A senior leader of the Palestinian independence organization Hamas said that no proposal for a peace agreement will be accepted if the demands of the Palestinians are not met.

The leader named Musa Abu Marzouk said in a Twitter message on Saturday that the project that the Palestinian people do not accept cannot be implemented in any way.

He also told reporters about the 'deal of the century' proposed by the United States that the Palestinians will not agree to any project without resistance.

The century-old deal calls for the United States to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and Israeli ownership of all illegal settlements. It also announced the declaration of Palestine as a civilian state.

The occupied West Bank village of Abu Dis is said to be declared the capital of the future Palestinian state. Abu Dis, home to 12,000 people, is located near the Jerusalem border.

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