Categories: Picturesque

A luxurious prison story!

The Dhaka Times Desk Has it ever occurred to you that the prison, that is, the prison where the inmates live, can be luxurious? Maybe it didn't come. But it actually happened. Today there is such a luxurious prison story!

We know that life in prison is very difficult. The environment there is completely different. Many people say that hell lives! But what really? No, not all prison environments are the same. There are some prisons around the world where the inmates have the highest ayesh ie luxurious arrangements. They sometimes defeat the luxurious life of the rich! Norway has one such prison. This prison is called Holden Prison.

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Those who have committed various small and big social crimes are involved in the case. Again, the verdict of his trial has been, he must stay in jail. But he got this luxurious life in jail! Innocent, working people may be jealous of them! Why not? The inmates in this jail are allowed to spend their life in solitary wooden cottages. These cottages also have a separate sound system along with watching dramas on Dish TV channels!

Holden Prison is built very close to the island. The inmates here can listen to music on the laptop while basking in the warm sun on a winter morning next to a nice quiet lake! You can go fishing in those lakes if you want! There is even a chance to come and race with the horses! The inmates here can go skiing!

Not too long ago, 2010. That's when Holden Prison's journey began in Norway. Time Magazine called this prison 'Ayeshi Correctional Center'! The prisoners' rooms are painted in different colors. Along with the living rooms, the bathrooms are fitted with expensive ceramic tiles. Their rooms are also furnished with big screen TV, fridge, expensive furniture. People in jail do not understand that they are in jail! So there are no grills or iron bars on the windows of their houses.

Prison guards are given separate courses so that the misbehavior of the prison guards does not have a bad effect on the prisoners! Half of the prison guards at Holden Prison are women. There is also provision of delicious food for the prisoners who come to jail for various crimes. Anyone will be amazed to see the modern hospital for them. There is a cinema hall. Separate courts for sports including basketball!

Most of the prison guards have no weapons at all. When the prison life of the prisoners is over, when they leave, almost everyone tells them, I was very comfortable here!

The comforts of this prison will make you feel as if you have visited here for a few days. The trip is over so now you are going back home. Really, the prisoners will not return to normal life after coming out of such prisons. Will they commit crimes again? Here's to coming back!

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This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯, ২০১৮ 12:47 pm

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