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Girls secretly want to know the information on Google!

In today's digital age, everything has come to hand thanks to technology

The Dhaka Times Desk There are some topics that girls search more on Google. Today's report is about some such issues. So let's find out what girls look for.

In today's digital age, everything has come to hand thanks to technology. In such a situation, people can learn many things sitting at home. Just search on Google to know anything. A report has been published recently. The report mentions the top secret searches on Google by girls. Today there is a report on those issues. Let's find out what girls search on Google.

How to determine skin type

How to determine the skin type is a question that is often asked by girls. The reason is that especially young women spend day and night thinking about their skin. They take the help of Google to know whether the skin is rough or oily. The best and most scientific way to answer this question is to do a medical skin test. Skin test can be done at home using blotting paper as a basic method. First apply the blotting paper to different areas of your skin. Then hold it up to the light. If there is a lot of oil in it then you should know that your skin type is oily. If there is less oil then you know your skin is dry skin.

How to get fair skin

How to get fair skin - this question is also asked by girls. The reason is that fair skin is what every girl wants. They search on Google how to get fair skin.

In this regard, researchers say, leading a healthy lifestyle is the key to fair skin. For this, you have to drink plenty of water, eat fruits and juices, follow a balanced diet and exercise.

Hair loss causes and remedies

Many people want to know the causes and remedies for hair loss. We all know who does not want to maintain the beauty of their hair? Nowadays hair loss is a common and major problem. To know how to get rid of this, girls always go to Google. Girls do this secretly even in between work in the office.

What is the safest way to remove unwanted hair?

One more thing that young women secretly search for on Google is how to safely remove unwanted body hair. There are several ways to remove this hair. Which method you use depends on your skin type and severity of hair growth. Threading and tweaking work well for eyebrows. The best method for hands or feet is waxing. If you want to use the laser hair removal procedure, you should consult an experienced cosmetic surgeon.

How many days to shampoo the hair?

How many days to shampoo the hair? Girls also ask this question on Google. Shampooing should usually be done when the hair and scalp are dirty. However, if you shampoo at regular intervals, your hair will be fine. Apart from shampooing, hair care also includes oils, conditioners, volumizers and other products. Many people may be shocked to hear about shampooing every day. But if your hair becomes frizzy every day, you need to shampoo every day. It is advised that it will not cause any harm.

What is the way to remove puffiness under the eyes?

Another question that young women ask on Google is, what is the way to remove puffiness under the eyes? By changing the cucumber and potato slices and ice or sleeping routine, you can get rid of eye bags or puffy eyes. But never use anything harsh. Because it can damage your eyes too. If the eyebag doesn't go away, consult a dermatologist.

Menstrual problems

Menstrual problems are also searched on Google. Many young women experience menstrual problems at the onset of puberty. This matter is kept secret from their family. So, to know this subject, a search is given on Google.

Ways to get rid of wrinkles

Google also asked about ways to remove wrinkles. It is recommended to start skin care from the beginning. As you turn 30, you need to take extra care of your skin. But if you wait for wrinkles to fall and then want to get rid of them, you will be making a big mistake. The first signs of wrinkles are freckles on the forehead. There are also many articles on the web about home remedies for skin wrinkles. Read them and take care of your skin with patience.

Smokey eye makeup

Smokey eye makeup is also asked about. There are also tons of articles on the internet about how to do smokey eye makeup. Whichever method you choose, you have to work accordingly. But never combine the two methods. Because then there may be danger. It can also cause eye damage. Only cosmetics that are ophthalmologically tested should be used.

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