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Now Saudi women can join the army!

Women from Riyadh, Makkah, Al-Qasim and Al-Madinah can apply to join the army

The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi Arabia, which has retreated from Muslim fundamentalism, is taking various steps to prioritize women. Now Saudi women can join the army!

এবার সেনাবাহিনীতে যোগ দিতে পারবে সৌদি নারীরা! 1

Saudi Arabia is about to leave strict social restrictions and give women more concessions. Women have already been allowed to drive cars, go to stadiums and watch movies in cinemas. This time the country decided to include women in the army as well. First, women from four regions of Saudi Arabia will get this opportunity.

A source in Saudi Arabia's security forces said women from Riyadh, Makkah, Al-Qasim and Al-Madinah will be able to apply to join the army. Only women of Saudi origin and resident in the country will be eligible to apply. Also the age for applying should be 25-35 years. Must have minimum higher secondary pass educational qualification. It has been informed that their eligibility will be determined through examination, interview and medical checkup.

It should be noted that recently, Saudi Arabia is moving away from some social and religious strict customs.

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