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2,000-year-old tomb found in Cairo!

A golden skeleton has been found in a tomb more than 2,000 years old

The Dhaka Times Desk A 2,000-year-old tomb has been discovered in Cairo, Egypt. The tomb was recently discovered in Sinaia province near Cairo. According to archaeologists, it is about 2 thousand years old.

কায়রোতে ২ হাজার বছরের পুরনো সমাধির সন্ধান! 1

A 2,000-year-old tomb has been discovered in Cairo, Egypt. The tomb was recently discovered in Sinaia province near Cairo. According to archaeologists, it is about 2 thousand years old.

According to media reports, this vast burial site is located two and a half miles north of Tuna-al-Gabal area. It is believed to date from the post-Pharaonic to Ptolemaic period.

Egypt's Minister of Antiquities, Khaled-ar-Inani, said that a gold skeleton was found in a tomb more than 2,000 years old. Also 40 ornate coffins carved on stone. 1000 statues of various professionals in the society at that time. Among whom are mentioned ancient priests, potters, jewelers and artisans.

Chief archaeologist Mostafa Waziri told the AP news agency that so far we have found a total of 8 tombs. Hope to discover more tombs soon. 4 priceless sculptured drinking jugs were also found from the burial site. They have already been preserved as per government directives. The mummy of Thoth, the moon and sun god of ancient Egypt, is also found. The body of the mummy was wrapped in golden clothes made of bronze.

It is known that the mummy's body was decorated with red and blue expensive beads on the head, hands and neck. In addition to Egypt, the team of archaeologists also included researchers from the German cities of Munich and Hildesheim.

Note that in early February, a 4400-year-old tomb was discovered outside Cairo, Egypt.

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