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Young women are 'marrying' trees in love!

These events give rise to mystery, and people are shocked by any incident

The Dhaka Times Desk A really amazing news. In one country, young women are 'marrying' trees in love! What is it really? What is in the tree?

প্রেমে পড়ে গাছকে গণহারে 'বিয়ে' করছে তরুণীরা! 1

This world is really strange. Various events are happening constantly. And these events give rise to mystery, and people are shocked by any incident. That is why falling in love with a tree and marrying a tree! Such words have probably never been heard before. Marrying a tree is also common! Such a strange phenomenon happened in Mexico.

Hearing about this novel marriage, it may seem that love, respect, or love for men is ending for the girls of Mexico! So are they not willing to tie the knot with the country's 'Bajjat' men?

According to media reports, there are great arguments behind the women of Mexico marrying trees! According to their opinion, these lovers are now giving their hearts, minds and hearts to an 'always-silent', tall-tall (tree) lover. A lover who cannot speak, is always silent. A lover who never cheats, never cheats, never gets drunk on such alienation, never leaves someone in trouble. But with endless shadow, with magic, with pure oxygen, it keeps the whole world as its own forever.

So the young women are tying the trees in groups. As in ordinary and ten marriages, the priest-priest is called and the rituals are performed according to the customs and religious customs. In the marriage with the tree it is done exactly sixteen annas.

It is known that basically, a nature friendly organization 'Bedani' has started a novel campaign called 'Love a Tree' or 'Marry a Tree'. 'Bedani' started a tree protection campaign to save our beloved planet called Earth or Vasundhara, its trees from the coral ax of tree thieves, thugs, wood merchant mafia. Bedani is going from door to door of beautiful Lalnads with such heart-wrenching slogans like 'live a tree well', 'marry a tree', 'a lover named tree will never leave you'. They encourage young women to marry trees.

The most interesting thing is that it got a huge response. They choose the quiet tree as a worthy lover and groom. There has been a lot of mass marriage with trees in that country. The presence of thousands of people is also happening. Peruvian actor and naturalist Bichard Torres performed the role of pastor or priest in this novel mass wedding of human brides and tree grooms. However, marriage requires the consent of both parties. But the tree can no longer speak. So what is the way to know that the tree is compliant? According to the organizers, 'Mounang Samsinang Lakshmanam!' There is no need to run to the court for divorce and separation. So where is the obstacle!

Young women who married trees for love is an artistic protest against indiscriminate deforestation and illegal logging in the San Jacinto Amilcan forest in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. By loving and marrying the tree, the beautiful Lalnas of Mexico seek to save the tree from the teeth of the saw-axe. They are determined to keep the tree as their own. They want to spread the dream of a pleasant world with leaves, flowers, colors, scents and shadows.

These young women have sworn, as long as there is life in the body, they will not let anyone put an ax on their 'grooms' under any circumstances!

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