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Plane crashes at Nepal airport, 38 dead: AFP

Black smoke is still billowing from the plane that skidded off the airport runway and crashed into the football field

The Dhaka Times Desk According to an AFP report, 38 passengers were killed in the plane crash at the Nepal airport.

নেপালের বিমানবন্দরে বিধ্বস্ত বিমানের ৩৮ আরোহী নিহত: এএফপি 1

A US-Bangla Airlines flight from Dhaka to Nepal crashed at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu this afternoon.

The death toll of the passengers of the US Bangla plane that crashed in Kathmandu, Nepal is increasing gradually. According to news agency AFP, 38 people have already been killed. The British newspaper The Sun, citing reliable sources, said that none of the at least 60 people on board the plane survived.

Although the airport authorities did not give the exact number of victims, their statements indicate that. Kathmandu's Tribhuvan Airport Authority spokesperson Narayan Prasad told reporters that efforts are being made to rescue the dead and injured from the accident site as soon as possible.

Black smoke is still billowing from the plane that skidded off the airport runway and crashed into the football field. The place is right next to Nepal's only international airport. According to media reports, police and army personnel are trying to rescue the injured passengers by cutting the iron of the plane. Meanwhile, according to Bangladeshi media sources, the pilot of the plane was rescued with injuries.

Meanwhile, the Tribhuvan airport has been closed due to the accident. Due to which all types of flights are closed. An American citizen who witnessed the incident said that the plane was flying very close to the ground. It is known that there were 32 Bangladeshis in this plane.

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