The Dhaka Times Desk 2.6 million year old whale tooth stolen in Australia A preserved tooth of an ancestor of whales that exist around the world today has been stolen.
According to BBC news, the tooth of the megasarc whale of 2.6 million years ago has been stored in a museum in Australia for a long time.
The related authorities said that the tooth was stolen from the world documentary in Australia. The tooth is 3 inches long. The tooth was stolen from a secret area near a national park in Western Australia.
It is known that the stolen tooth is 2.6 million years old. That species of animal has disappeared from the world a long time ago. Authorities claimed that a gang of thieves had been targeting the tooth for a long time. Western Australia's Department of Conservation said the tooth was stolen from the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ningaloo Beach. The area was said to be very secretive.
The head of the preservation team Mr. Hungström reported that their staff covered the tooth in a very secretive manner. The tooth was not even shown to any tourist for reasons of privacy.