Categories: Science-invention

Stephen Hawking's warning about the existence of aliens

The Dhaka Times Desk The world famous scientist Stephen Hawking passed away yesterday. Many things are coming up about Guni this person. He always liked to speak straight. But he did not say anything without reason. Stephen Hawking believed in the existence of aliens.

The famous physicist Stephen Hawking is no more. He left the world at the age of 76 years. Yesterday (Wednesday) morning, Stephen Hawking breathed his last in his bus building in Cambridge, USA. Stephen Hawking's family confirms his death.

Not many know the news that this world famous physicist believed in aliens. He recently warned Earth scientists, 'If we stop looking for extraterrestrials, they might wipe us all out.' So we need to keep a close eye on them.'

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However, Hawking has previously issued warnings about communicating with extraterrestrial beings. However, the British daily Independent said that there is a difference between the tone of the speech and the first speech. When he helped launch the Breakthrough Listen project in 2015, he suggested that if an alien were to hear about us, it might not be interested in killing us—mainly because they're not interested in us.

Hawking said, 'If any civilization could actually read the messages we send, it would take hundreds of millions of years. If so, they will become much stronger and may not give us as much value as we give bacteria.'

Stephen Hawking not only warned about aliens, but also that artificial intelligence (AI) could gradually become so clever that it could accidentally kill us too.

Stephen Hawking also said in 2015, 'The real danger of AI is not its harm, but its power. A super intelligent AAI is much better at fulfilling their goals. If AAI's goals are not aligned with ours, then we will be in danger.' Thus, Stephen Hawking has warned the people of the world at different times through various arguments.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৫, ২০১৮ 1:57 pm

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