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Facebook to ban anti-Islamic pages

The group, called Britain First, has been accused of repeatedly violating Facebook's community standards

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook has announced that it will ban anti-Islamic pages from now on. Various organizations use Facebook to hurt religious sentiments.

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In 2011, former members of the British National Party founded a British political organization called Britain First. This organization has been carrying out anti-Islamic propaganda at various times.

Social networking site Facebook said the group had repeatedly violated Facebook's community standards. Britain First leader Paul Golding and deputy leader Jayda Fransen were jailed earlier this month after pleading guilty to religious harassment, according to a BBC report.

It is known that the number of likes on this group's Facebook page is more than 2 million. Goulding and Fransen's page followers were also 'significantly high', the report said.

Posting content that violates Facebook's Community Standards has already been given a final warning. If Britain Fast ignored this warning, the Facebook authorities decided to remove the group's pages. Facebook said that this group will not be allowed to launch any other page in place of the previous page.

The British press expressed the idea that Facebook thinks that the pictures or videos given from the page of this party are made with the purpose of spreading hatred against Muslims.

Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Theresa May welcomed this move by Facebook. He expressed hope that other technology companies will follow suit.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan also made a statement in this regard. "Britain First is a vile and hateful party," he said.

A blog post on behalf of Facebook said, "It is an open platform for all ideas, as is the truth." But political philosophies must express hate-free speech.

It is known that there was some pressure on Facebook due to taking action against Britain First. The company said it removes hateful statements about people's race, religion, gender and other characteristics.

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