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Mexican citizens are the most hardworking in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us do not know that the people of which country is the most hardworking? Sensational information has emerged in a study. Find out today.

Citing a research paper, the media reported that the citizens of Mexico are the most hardworking people in the world! On the other hand, German citizens are claimed to be the least hardworking in the new study. The study was conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) by analyzing the average working hours of different countries. Bangladesh and India are not mentioned in the study of 35 countries of the world.

According to the OECD research report, a Mexican citizen works an average of 2,255 hours a year. The citizens of this North American country are the most hardworking citizens in the world.

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It is known that Costa Rica ranks second in the list of hardworking countries in that research report. Citizens of this Central American country work an average of 2,212 hours a year. Costa Rica is also given the title of the 'happiest' country in the world. In the ranking of 'Happy Planet Index' across the world, Costa Rica is mentioned along with Vietnam, Colombia.

Greek citizens are among the hardest working European countries. People of this country work an average of 2,35 hours a year. Greece is also ranked fourth in the OECD report. South Korea and Chile are in third and fifth place.

The name of the United States is number 16 in that list. Citizens here work an average of 1783 hours a year. Even though Japan is far ahead in terms of technology, the name of Japan is at number 22 in the OECD list. According to the report, citizens of this country work an average of 1,713 hours a year.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৮, ২০১৮ 1:36 pm

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