The Dhaka Times
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This time the yield of litchi is not as expected

A view of a lychee garden in Gargari, Ishwardi

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Sunday, 1 April 2018 AD, 18 Chaitra 1424 BANGABD, 13 Rajab 1439 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

এবার লিচুর ফলন আশানুরূপ নয় 1

The picture you are looking at is a litchi flower. But this time many litchi trees did not bud (flower). Due to which the farmers are in trouble.

At this time of the year, those who have litchi gardens may sell the plants, or monitor them themselves to get a good yield of litchi. But this year, I went to the litchi garden and found that there are 20 trees, 5/7 of them did not bud! That is why those who laboriously cultivate gardens will suffer losses this year. The same picture was seen in different areas including Joynagar, Maniknagar, New Hat, Awtapara, Gargari and Kamalpur, the main litchi area of Ishwardi.

This scene of a lychee garden in Ishwardi's Gargari was caught on camera by The Dhaka Times last week.

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