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Britain will continue to support Bangladesh on the Rohingya issue

They will continue to apply pressure on the UN and international groups and the Myanmar government to repatriate the persecuted Rohingya

The Dhaka Times Desk Britain has reiterated its continued support to Bangladesh on the Rohingya issue. UK Prime Minister Teresa May expressed this attitude.

ব্রিটেন রোহিঙ্গা ইস্যুতে বাংলাদেশকে সমর্থন অব্যাহত রাখবে 1

British Prime Minister Teresa May has reiterated all kinds of support to Bangladesh on the Rohingya issue. In response to a question in the parliamentary committee meeting, the Prime Minister of the country said that they will continue to apply pressure on the international groups including the United Nations and the Myanmar government to repatriate the persecuted Rohingya.

The solution to the Rohingya issue lies only in the hands of the Burma (Myanmar) government - Theresa May said that the Myanmar government should listen to the words of each of their citizens. Their civil rights must be guaranteed.

According to media reports, in response to a question from Steven Thigo, head of the International Development Committee of the Parliament, May also said that we will always vigorously discuss the Rohingya issue in various international organizations including the United Nations. So that the eyes of the world do not turn away from the Rohingya issue, we will always try our best. Steven Thigo, meanwhile, said he did not even get a visa at the Myanmar Embassy in London last month to monitor the Rohingya issue, and had to return empty-handed.

He told the parliamentary committee that the trip of the international committee of Britain was canceled because of that. He complained to the parliamentary committee that this incident had disappointed Thigo. Then Teresa May said that.

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