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Popular actress Babita got lifetime award

The award was presented to Babita at the 20th edition of the Merrill-Prothom-alo Awards 2017.

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actress Babita got lifetime award. The award was presented to him yesterday (Friday) at the 20th edition of the Merrill-Prothom-alo Award 2017.

জনপ্রিয় অভিনেত্রী ববিতা পেলেন আজীবন সম্মাননা 1

Actress Babita received the 2018 Merrill-Prothom-alo Lifetime Award. Yesterday (Friday) evening, this honor was handed over to Babita at the 20th edition of Merrill-Prothom Alo Award 2017. Eminent cultural personality Syed Hasan Imam presented the award and crest to actress Babita.

Merrill-Prothom Alo Award 2017 is being held at Hall of Fame of Bangabandhu International Conference Center in Sher-e-Bangla city. The event turned into a get-together with splendid performances and the presence of top stars of the country. New, old and famous stars also appeared.

Actress Babita was given 'Lifetime Honor' for her contribution to the field of culture. According to the family and close people, the real name of this 60-year-old actress Babita is Farida Akhtar Popi. In the film world, her name was 'Suvarna' in the beginning. She was given the name 'Babita' while acting in Zaheer Raihan's 'Jalte Suraj Ke Niche'. Since then, the name Babita has been gathering the love of people from home and abroad.

This popular actress was born on July 30, 1953 in Bagerhat district. Parents wanted their daughter to grow up to be a doctor. But on the inspiration of her elder sister Suchanda, Babita entered the film industry. He made his silver screen debut as a child artist in Zaheer Raihan's 'Samsar' in 1968.

It is to be noted that she got international fame by playing the role of Anang's wife in Satyajit Ray's 'Ashni Sanket'.

So far the number of films starring Babita is more than 2500. Among them, Babita won the National Film Award as the best actress for the films 'Baandi Tondi Begum' (1975), 'Nayanmani' (1976), 'Basundhara' (1977), 'Ramer Sumati' (1985) and 'Pokamakder Gharvasati' (1996).

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