Categories: Science-invention

From now on you will hear the thoughts of others!

The Dhaka Times Desk Just think, if you could know the mind of others, how good it would be! Just so from now on you will hear the thoughts of others!

Although it seems unrealistic, scientists have reported such discoveries in their research. That is, from now on you can listen to the thoughts of others! Indian scientist Arnab Kapoor claims that this is actually possible!

He has created a new type of headset (wearable like headphones), through which it will be possible to 'hear' the mind. But only those wearing this headset will be able to communicate with each other!

The researcher also told the media that after using this headset called AlterEgo, there is no need to speak loudly.

This new discovery is led by Arnav Kapoor of Indian origin. He said, "We were thinking, can we do a computing platform that will be more introspective?" In any way that will bring about the matching of man and machine. Which may seem like an extension of our own understanding.

Arnab Kapoor is working on the development of this system in the media lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology or MIT, an educational institution in the United States.

Arnab Kapoor has called this headset as an intelligence-augmentation or AI device. Recently, he gave detailed information about this at an event organized by the Association for Computing Machinery in Tokyo, Japan.

It is known that this device should be worn along the jaw and snout. Underneath this white plastic device are 4 electrodes (conductive cells). which will receive skin and neuromuscular (neuromuscular) signals. That's why this device can understand what a person said in his mind.

When a person says that he has many words in his head, the artificial intelligence of this machine will find special symbols with special words, then those words will come out to the computer one by one.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৯, ২০১৮ 11:04 am

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