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Girls eat more than boys!

The Dhaka Times Desk Girls eat more than boys. Hearing such news, many people may think that they are being biased. But not really. The news came out in real words.


According to a research report, weddings, birthdays or gatherings of friends, all events have more or less delicious food. And girls are not behind boys in all these arrangements. Currently, not only girls are on the list of health awareness but many boys are lagging behind in the race of good eating.

The report also says that not only when the mood is good, but also when the mood is bad, the tendency to eat well is more common among girls. Even when they are upset, they have an increased appetite for fatty foods. Information that is known in recent studies.

A study from the University of Würzburg in Germany has shown that when girls are in distress, there is a hormonal change in them. As a result, they do not perceive the taste of fatty foods and eat more than they need.

It is also known in the research, even if they cannot understand the taste of fatty food, girls can understand the taste of sour, spicy and sweet food 15 percent more than other times. The research was conducted by dividing half a hundred girls into three groups. Where they are shown a funny, a sad and a sad video. At this time they are allowed to drink three types of 'milk shake'.

It found that those who watched the distressing video had an increased tendency to consume high-fat 'milk shakes'. Those who watched the boring video, on the other hand, had no difference in taste. And when upset, girls spend more money on fatty foods instead of healthy ones.

Dr. research team. Paul Breslin says that when people are in distress, they can't taste fatty foods, but their ability to taste other foods increases. It is indeed a surprising phenomenon.

So, girls have to be a little more careful. In order to avoid foods which are not good for health including fatty foods.

Source: Daily Mail.

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