The Dhaka Times Desk It's interesting that you can now tell someone's date of birth by using numbers. So let's learn that trick.
Now ask the person whose birth date you want to tell them to do a number that you don't see. You will hear only the last answer. The figure will be such that:
1. First tell him “multiply your date of birth by 20” (eg if someone's date of birth is 17 then 17*20 = 340)
2. Then say "Add 73 to the product." (eg 340+73=413)
3. Now say "Multiply the sum by 5." (eg, 413*5=2065)
4. Then say, “Add the number of the month in which you were born to the product, eg 1 for January, 6 for June. (eg 2065+7=2072) Now you will know the last result only.
Then what you need to do in secret is to subtract 365 from that result. (eg, 2072-365=1707)
Now the first two digits from the right of the answer you get will be the month and the next one or two digits will be the date. (Eg in my example the answer is 1707 , so date of birth would be 07 = July and 17 is the date, so 17th of July.)
If # answer is 310 then the date of birth will be 3rd of October, if 504 then the date of birth will be 5th of April. So the first two digits from the right will be the month and the next one or two digits will be the date.
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১১, ২০১৮ 11:38 am
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