Messenger can be used even if Facebook deactivates or does not have an account!

The Dhaka Times Desk If you want to deactivate Facebook, you can use Messenger! But you don't know how to do it. Find out today.

You may have deactivated your Facebook account. Then when you enter your messenger app, an option will appear 'Not on Facebook?' in the title. By clicking there, you can use the Messenger app independently if you want. You can then seamlessly exchange messages with your Facebook friends list very easily. If you want to chat with your phone contacts on Messenger, you need to add your mobile number to your Messenger account.

Another great thing about Messenger is that many people may not know. And that is, even if you don't have a Facebook account, you can use Messenger effortlessly. That's why you need to download the messenger app on your mobile phone. Then you need to tell your mobile number to messenger instead of Facebook account. You have to include your name and photo as well. Your messenger account has been created. But since you don't have a Facebook account, you can only keep in touch with your phone contacts through Messenger through this app.

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This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৭, ২০২১ 2:58 pm

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