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Things to keep in mind before buying a smartphone

There is a saying 'Think and act and don't think.'

The Dhaka Times Desk We all have a little more interest in the new. There are many types of smartphones in the current market. You might also be thinking of buying a new smartphone. Before buying a phone, you need to know what features a good phone should have.

স্মার্টফোন ক্রয়ের আগে যে বিষয় গুলো মাথায় রাখতে হবে 1

There is a saying 'Think and act and don't think.' So before buying a smartphone you should consider several things before buying a smartphone. You might be thinking what's the point of thinking if it works. If you have such a thought in your mind, then buy it today and post it tomorrow. Tomorrow, when the new apps will not work, you will understand that you did not make a mistake by buying the phone without understanding. Let's take a look at the things that need to be looked at while buying a smartphone.

1. Your budget:
Not just any phone. Its price should be within your means. So first of all you have to choose the phone according to your budget.

2. Phone Size and Color:
The size and color of the thing that you will use for a long time should be of your choice. So choose the size and color of the phone while buying it. Display power 1. Resolution : 4k/ 2k/ FullHD/HD 2. Panel type: OLED / AMOLED / LCD Buy by looking at these two.

3. Processor Power:
The most important thing in a phone is the processor. Its performance depends on the processor. All kinds of apps will not work on your phone if the processor power is low. At least you can buy a phone with a dual-core or quad-core processor.

4. RAM & ROM:
The bigger the RAM, the faster the phone will work. So buy a little more RAM while buying the phone. Otherwise the phone will work slowly. At least 1GB of RAM should be purchased. ROM is the phone's internal memory. How much apps or data can be stored on the phone depends on the ROM. So you should buy a phone with at least 8GB ROM.

5. Network System:
The network connection of the smartphone is one of the most important factors. Whether talking is audio or video, data connection speed also depends on it. So check whether the phone you want to buy supports 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G network or not.

6. Camera:
Camera is a very important part of a phone. Cameras are used for taking pictures, making videos or video conferencing. So buy the phone's camera capacity a little more. Back or front camera should be at least 5 mega pixels.

7. Battery:
Android phones charge a little more than normal phones. So check the capacity of the mobile battery. Generally those who use mobile data for internet use should be at least 2500 MH. Because mobile data uses much more charge than WiFi.

8. Android version:
Always try to buy the latest version of the phone. Then there will be no problem using new apps. Marshmallow, Nougat, Oreo etc are versions of Android. And there should be a system to update the version.

Besides MicroUSB, Bluetooth Version, Wi-Fi Speed, WLAN Hotspot, OTA(over-the-air), OTG(USB On-The-Go), NFC(Near field communication), Infrared, Accelerometer Sensor(3D), Gyroscope Sensor , Proximity Sensor, Magnetic Field Sensor, Gravity Sensor, Light Sensor, Pressure Sensor(Barometer), Orientation Sensor, Hall Sensor, Temperature Sensor(Thermometer)
Check whether there are systems such as GPS (Global Positioning System).

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