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Bionic Eye will guide the visually impaired!

The Dhaka Times Desk An artificial eye capable of guiding the visually impaired has been discovered. A group of researchers from Australia's Monash University is creating an artificial eye called 'bionic eye' to shine a limited range of light into the eyes of the visually impaired.


According to the researchers, the visually impaired will be able to see light and objects of different shapes only by wearing special technology glasses in addition to placing the artificial eye.

It is known that a special type of wireless technology computer processor will be placed on the head to use the artificial eye. As a result, all the images captured by the camera in the glasses will reach the brain using wireless technology. And from there the visually impaired can know the information about light and various objects. If everything goes well, it has been reported that the experimental use of the artificial eye will begin within the next year.

Source: Internet

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