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The days of lying are over: If you lie, you will catch the mobile phone!

Scientists are inventing a smartphone that doesn't resort to these cheap tricks or lies while chatting or talking.

The Dhaka Times Desk The days of lying are coming to an end. Try to get rid of the bad habit of telling lies whenever you want. Because there is a mobile phone that will catch if you lie!

মিথ্যা বলার দিন শেষ: মিথ্যা বললেই ধরে ফেলবে মোবাইল! 1

Many times it is seen that someone from one place is telling lies to someone at the other end. We often see such cases. But from now on, the days of telling lies may be coming to an end. The days of telling such lies on mobile are really coming to an end. The days of harassing others with false information about yourself or sitting idle and pretending to be busy are over.

According to news media CNN, this time scientists are inventing a smartphone in which these cheap tricks or lies cannot be resorted to while chatting or talking. If the person on the other end of the phone tells a lie, the smartphone will catch it immediately. It will be possible to catch who is telling the truth and who is lying with the help of that smartphone with special technology. A recent report in a research magazine in the United States states that although the matter is still in the research stage, scientists hope that it will be effective in the near future.

A group of researchers at the University of Copenhagen is conducting research on this issue. They started experimenting with an app. Once this app is downloaded on the smartphone, the smartphone will automatically start working as a lie detector.

Scientists told CNN that if a person is lying, it can be understood from how they swipe or tap on the mobile phone. The scientists associated with this research have found that typing takes more time even if someone lies while typing.

It has been said that a green tick mark will appear next to the lie detector of the mobile phone. On the other hand, if you think that you are lying, the lie detector will show a red mark next to it. Scientists have already confirmed the success of the app through 3 different experiments. The app designed for Android smartphones is currently being tested. A good news about this is expected to be available soon.

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