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Anant Jalil wants to take charge of Rajeev's younger brothers

Anant Jalil is deeply saddened by Rajeev's death


The Dhaka Times Desk The social welfare minister has already shown interest in taking responsibility for the brothers of Rajeev who died in the road accident. Anant Jalil, the current popular personality of the acting world, has said that he wants to take over the responsibility of Rajeev's younger brothers.

অনন্ত জলিল রাজীবের ছোট ভাইদের দায়িত্ব নিতে চান 1

On April 3, Rajeev Hossain, a second-year student of Bachelor of Commerce (Commerce) of Government Titumir College in the capital Dhaka, was injured in a collision between two buses. After 13 days of fighting death in Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Rajeev left this world on the night of April 16.

The social welfare minister has already announced that Rajiv's two younger brothers will take over. Actor Anant Jalil wanted to take the responsibility of Rajeev's two brothers. Anant Jalil is deeply saddened by Rajeev's death.

It was Anant Jalil's birthday. So on the day of his birthday, Anant Jalil said in a Facebook message that he would take over the education of Rajeev's two younger brothers. At present Nayak Jalil is staying in Makkah with his family members. From there, he expressed his interest on Facebook, according to media reports.

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