Categories: traveling

Thrill to the trees - in Satchari

The Dhaka Times Desk This post is for those who are crazy about new adventure activities in Satchari. It is said that how you can go at a low cost is a very suitable planning for students.

Plant diversity:

সাতছড়ি জাতীয় উদ্যানে রয়েছে প্রায় ২০০’রও বেশি গাছপালা। এর মধ্যে শাল, সেগুন, আগর, গর্জন, চাপালিশ, পাম, মেহগনি, কৃষ্ণচূড়া, ডুমুর, জাম, জামরুল, সিধাজারুল, আওয়াল, মালেকাস, ইউক্যালিপটাস, আকাশমনি, বাঁশ, বেত-গাছ ইত্যাদির বিশেষ নাম করা যায়।


There are 197 species of animals in this park. Among them, about 24 species of mammals, 18 species of reptiles, 6 species of amphibians. There are also about 150-200 species of birds. It is a protected forest area and a bird sanctuary in Bangladesh. Shy monkey, gibbon, bespectacled langur, jackal, macaque, fishing cat, barking deer, etc. Snakes among reptiles; Birds include Kao Dhanesh, Rooster, Red-headed Trogon, Woodpecker, Myna, Bhimraj, Shyama[2], Jhutipanga, Shalik, Yellow Bird, Tia etc. In addition, countless insects have taken shelter in the trees, the rattlesnake is one of them.

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How to go:

Sylhet to Satchari-
From Sylhet to Habiganj (Habiganj Express) bus should go to Shaestaganj. 120 each for rent. From Shaistaganj you have to go to Chunarughat (local CNG) fare 20 taka per person. From Chunarughat you have to go to Satchari National Park. (Local CNG) fare is Tk 20 per person


You can eat and drink in the afternoon before going to Chunarughat market or on the way you can conveniently take lunch from the hotel for 100 taka per person.


Adventure activities are organized. This activity is done on the side of the road opposite the ticket counter. Where anyone can experience this exciting activity for 100 rupees.

Disagree Take care that you do not harm the environment. Don't offend nature by throwing away anything perishable. It is our responsibility to keep the environment clean.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২৫, ২০১৮ 2:32 pm

Shahriar Siam

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