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২০৫০ সাল সম্পর্কে এ কেমন ভবিষ্যতবাণী করলেন ডেভিড লেভি!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many things have happened in the world today that people could not have imagined 50 years ago. Many of us cannot imagine what will happen 30 years from now. The year 2050 will come soon. Be mentally prepared for that awkward moment. Because many things will happen that you cannot even imagine now.

David Levy, an artificial intelligence researcher, says that the way humans are advancing technologically, humans will fall in love with robots and marry robots by 2050. Not only that, this marriage will also be legal.

* The total population of the world will stand at 9.6 billion. About half of them will live in cities. It is clear what the condition of the cities will be!

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* Air pollution will increase at a serious rate in some parts of the world. Cancer and lung diseases will increase. Scientists think, Sarah
An average of 6 million people will die in the world every year.

* Driverless car will come within the reach of almost everyone. So the number of car accidents will be relatively less.

* According to the World Footprint Network, 1.1 billion people do not have access to water. 2.5 billion people will live in such areas
Where access to clean water is a problem.

* India will become the center of world's largest economy along with USA and China.

* The average life expectancy of people will increase. In 2050, the average person will live to the age of 76.

* People's near vision will increase but distance vision will decrease. Being glued to computers and gadgets all day will reduce the normal ability to see distant objects. Minus power will increase.

* The Internet will spread to the corners of the world. 97.5 percent of the total population will have internet access.

* Superhuman will be created in the 'designer baby' trend. Through genetic engineering, the parents will inform the doctor beforehand about the child's build, intelligence, physical ability etc. Designer baby will be made by gene modification.

Although there is no guarantee that all of these will happen, many of them could happen by 2050.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২৫, ২০১৮ 2:05 pm

Raihan Malitha

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