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Activities that will keep you happy after work

I discovered this method kept me happy and kept me from being lazy.

The Dhaka Times Desk After a long time, I would come home from work and immediately start watching TV. After a long day of work, meetings and email chains, I would start watching TV. But since last year I noticed that at the end of the day I always felt tired, had a headache and could not sleep properly at night.

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So I devised a strategy. When I got home from work, instead of watching TV, I picked up a book. The results were amazing. After reading the book I regained energy to work again and even to work the next day. I read more books this year than any other year. I discovered this method kept me calm and kept me from being lazy.

So when I read a paragraph in Quartz, it described how much time I would make myself unhappy if I worked on screen. I used to have such a sad time. Well, it's no surprise that watching TV or staring at your phone for too long can't be good for you. But interestingly, extensive research has found that tasks that do not involve a screen or a screen make you happier than tasks that involve a screen.
So I thought of doing something that doesn't involve screens and will keep me very happy.

If you are out of ideas, I will give you 15 ideas that will keep you very happy.

1. Read something
It works well for me. Make a habit of reading books in your free time after work, it will give you a lot of pleasure.

2. Listen to any broadcast:
Sure, it's technology too, but turn it on, lean back, close your eyes and listen. Your fatigue will go away.

3. Call a friend:
Talk to a dear friend on the phone for a while. Then you will feel a lot of freshness.

4. Meet a person:
Meet someone after coming home from work and have dinner together have some soft drinks
do Just keep the phone away from you and give them your full attention.

5. Write something:
Write various articles on blog pages and post them on LinkedIn or in journals.
Don't feel like you have to write anything spectacular. Write whatever you like. It will keep you fresh.

6. Cook:
Find and try new recipes and if you use your creativity I'm sure yours
Colleagues will love you.

7. Meditate:
You don't have to spend all your time behind it. Meditate for 10-30 minutes while at home. It's your mind
It will make you live a lot.

8. Clean your house:
Are the dishes dirty? Haven't mopped the floor in a month? Need to do laundry? Food going bad in the fridge? It's your free time
You can do these things. It will make your weekend more enjoyable.

9. Exercise:
Don't have time to exercise in your morning? Then watch various online or do yoga exercises in free time. It's up to you
Feel like a champion.

10. Go for a walk
Take a leisurely walk on an empty street or around your neighborhood. You can take music or a friend with you while walking.

11. Make picture art:
Do you have any coloring books? Do you want to learn how to draw? This is the right time to try. So paint as you wish.

12. Play with the kids.
You will spend this time best when you play with children and your mind is full of joy.

13. Pamper yourself:
Paint your nails, read a mask, take a long shower. You work hard, why indulge yourself?

14. Solve the puzzle:
You can solve any one puzzle. Can solve various picture matching, number matching etc. your
If you have a roommate, you can also play board games with him.

15. List creation:
You can list the things you need. You can list the list of markets, what to do next day, etc.
Make a list of what your future plans are. List how to solve a problem.

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