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Today is the holy day of Rajni

The Dhaka Times Desk Lailatul Barat or Shab Barat is a glorious and virtuous night for the Muslim community. Today is the glorious Rajini.

In today's holy Lailatul Baraat there is boundless blessing, liberation and welfare for the believer. The glorious holy Shaba Barat comes in the month before Ramadan, i.e. the month of Shaban, so its importance and significance is very dear to the believing Muslims. Just two weeks before Ramadan, this holy day brings good news for Muslims.

Shabbat is a Persian word. Shave means night and Barat means salvation or fate. Which is called Lailatul Barat in Arabic. The original meaning of which is the lamp of fortune or the lamp of liberation. The eighth month of the lunar month is the month of Shaban. There is such a virtuous and blessed night in the moon of Shaban that one can get unlimited rewards if one performs worship in that night. This night is Lailatul Barat or Shabbat Barat.

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In this regard, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, the month of Shaban is my month, the month of Ramadan is the month of Allah. The night before the 14th day of the month of Shaban is Lailatul Barat or Shabbat Barat. This Shabbat is a unique night to get rid of sins. By praying on this holy night, the sins of believing Muslims are forgiven. The status of the believer increases with Allah Almighty.

Rasool (pbuh) also said, fasting in the month of Shaban is more dear to me than other months. When the night of Sha'baan comes to you, stay awake that night, pray, recite the Qur'an, recite the Tasbeeh of Zikir Azkar, pray and fast during the day. The reason is that on this night, Allah Ta'ala came to the first sky from sunset to dawn and announced, Is there any sinner who will pray to me? I will forgive his sins. Are you a financial candidate? I will give him sustenance. Do you want to get rid of danger? I will rescue him from danger. In this way, Allah Ta'ala continues to call His servants till dawn.

Hazrat Mu'az Ibn Jabal (R.A.) said that the Prophet (S.A.W.) said that on the night before the 14th day of Sha'ban, i.e. on the night of Shabbat, Allah Almighty showed special mercy to His creatures, that is, on this night Allah Almighty opened the door of forgiveness. This Lailatul Barat is a night full of unlimited virtues.

This post was last modified on মে ১, ২০১৮ 10:41 am

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